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Human Relations- Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills (GE)12版
有關Human Relations- Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills (GE)12版的詳細介紹如下:
Accomplished author and national speaker, Andrew J. DuBrin brings his expertise of Human Relations and Business Psychology to this exciting Twelfth edition. Focusing on today’s work environment, the book takes a two-pronged approach that improves interpersonal skills by first presenting basic concepts and then by featuring a heavy component of skill development and self-assessment.
The twelfth edition includes a wealth of experiential exercises, including new cases and self-assessment quizzes that can be completed in class or as homework.
This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience–for you and your students.
1.Relate Concepts to What’s Happening Today, Personally and in the Workplace: Give students hands-on ways to develop practical human relations skills and stay involved in class.
2.Reinforce Concepts and Build Skills: Proven pedagogy, exercise sets, and end—of-chapter material are all geared towards ensuring students grasp the concepts.
3. Keep your Course Current and Relevant: New examples, research findings, and examples appear throughout the text. Twelve of the case openers and twenty-four cases are new.
作者: DuBrin
Human Relations- Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills (GE)12版